About Football…
On May 4th 1949 the Grande Torino football team’s airplane crashed on the hill behind the Basilica of Superga’s convent. To remember them a commemorative tombstone has been collocated on the back of the complex, and still today it is destination for supporters and followers.
Historical Tranvia a Cremagliera Sassi- Superga
The course is developed for 3.100 meters between Sassi Station (in Torino – Modena square 6) and the Superga Station.
The historical Tramvia a Cremagliera allows to an unusual and fascinating course that brings the visitor to the top of the hill and to the Basilica di Superga in 20 minutes. Once arrived, a suggesting panoramic point of view (the Vedetta Panoramica) allows you to see a wonderful landscape and, in 5 minutes by walking in a beautiful natural park, you can reach the Basilica di Superga.
(for more information about timetables call +39 (0)11 8997505, for reservations visit GTT – Gruppo Trasporti Torinese or call +39 (0)11 5764733).